Dear Vargas Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Our PTA meetings are on zoom (Meeting ID: 635 717 8065, Passcode: 529734). All are welcome and Spanish translation is provided! Hear updates on the school from Mr. Villalpando and learn about upcoming events and where our money goes.
Other association meetings currently scheduled include:
- Tuesday, February 4th at 7pm
- Tuesday, April 1st at 7pm
- Tuesday, May 6th at 7pm
What Does PTA Do?
Vargas PTA supports student enrichment and community-building programs, such as:
- Field trips
- Teacher grants (an allotted amount per teacher to help pay for classroom supplies)
- Spirit Wear (look for more information on this soon!)
- Extracurricular activities (e.g. Starting Arts musical, choir, basketball)
- Community building events (e.g. Spring Festival)
How to Become a PTA Member
There are 2 easy ways to become a PTA member.
- Fill out the envelope (especially your name, your child’s name, phone number, and e-mail)
- Enclose $10 dues (cash or check)
- Return envelope to your child’s teacher
B) Join online using Totem ($1 service fee). To join electronically:
1. Go to: or use Membership QR code (translate website by selecting language of bottom of webpage)
2. Login or register a new account using your Facebook profile or email address (select Vargas PTA if it doesn’t open directly)
3. Enter your name and member type (parent, grandparent, supporter, etc.) and click Next.
4. Add your student(s) by clicking the box labeled “Add a Member/Student,” filling in their name, and selecting “Student (Non-Member).”
5. Pay using credit card or Google pay.
Why Become a PTA Member
- Have a vote in all decisions made by the PTA
- Help decide how money is spent for your student
- Keep informed of PTA and school activities
- Support the students and community
Donating to the PTA
Donations are always welcome to help support our students and our community. There are several ways to donate!
- Put donations in the attached envelope and return to your teacher
- Mail donations to the school: Vargas PTA, 1054 Carson Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
- PTA members can submit donations online using Totem (the same link/code mentioned above for membership) and selecting “Make a Donation”
To come to our meetings, activities, or events – but we would love to make it official! Membership fees help fund the work that we do. To join use the QR code below or send $10 cash or check in the attached envelope.
Please check if your employer matches donations. Tax ID is 77-0339405. We appreciate your support!
Corporate Donation Program
We are hoping to bring in more funding from the greater community! If you work for a company that might be interested in donating to a Title 1 PTA (funds, items for silent auctions, or time), or if you are interested in helping with this effort in another way, please contact Jessie Jarecki at
Family Dine Outs
Watch for our regular Dine Out events! Local restaurants donate a percentage of your meal to our school when you mention Vargas. Details coming on our Facebook page and through ClassDojo.
Box Tops for Education Goes Digital!
Earn money for Vargas with your It’s easy! Download the app, select Vargas Elementary as your choice of school, take pictures of your receipts using the scan function, and there you go! You’ve earned some $$ for Vargas.
Your voice, culture, and ideas are welcome! We support and celebrate all students, families, and staff
Everything we do depends on you! Our all-volunteer organization needs students, families, and staff to do what we do. Every little bit helps us to support the school and community
Vargas PTA Board 2024-2025
Jessica Jarecki – President –
– Executive VP & Membership –
Juanita (Grame) Chau – VP Fundraising –
Lisa McRae – Treasurer –
Cathy Wang – Secretary –
Denise Hackett – Parliamentarian –
Jen Hsieh – Auditor –
– Historian –
Randi Salas- VP of Communication